Proper voice care is something that all singers think and know about on some level, but few follow. In many cases, we do things that can damage our voice without even thinking. How many times have you reached for a can of soda or smoked a cigarette right before a gig? When it comes to voice care, we have to be always mindful of all our actions.
Voice is something that most people take for granted. You don’t notice it when you use it, but once your throat starts to hurts and your voice becomes hoarse, only then will you start thinking about all the things you should (or shouldn’t) have done. Voice lessons will help you develop your vocal instrument, but you also need to learn a few tips and tricks for taking care of your voice.
- Get voice lessons
If you want to pursue singing as a hobby or career, then you have to take the craft more seriously. Singing is like sports. Just as athletes train regularly to develop their bodies and learn advanced strategies, singers must also learn the proper singing techniques to ensure vocal development.
Singing requires discipline and hard work. The vocal cords are a type of muscle. And just like any muscle, it can be injured. Professional voice lessons can help you mitigate some of the risks of singing and teach you the discipline you need to keep your voice at a performing level.
- Develop your style
It’s not uncommon to imitate someone else’s singing style, especially if you’re starting. But if you force your voice to do something that exceeds its range or outside your skill level, you could damage your vocal cords.
Focus on developing a singing style that suits your voice and skill level. You’ll train better that way, and you won’t injure yourself in the process. You also want to sound distinctive, which can help to further your career.
- Slow down
You wouldn’t cram six days’ worth of exercise into a single day at the gym, and the same concept applies to vocal preparations. You need to pace yourself and let your voice rest often. Whether you’re preparing for an audition or a gig, you need to limit your singing to half an hour of exercises a day. The trick is to build the muscle without hurting it, so you need to control your training.
- Avoid traumatic behaviors
Traumatic behaviors such as screaming and singing at a loud volume can result in long-term vocal damage. Every time you raise your voice, your vocal folds have to work harder to compensate for the higher volume. After a while, the muscles become swollen and painful. Do this often enough, and you’ll damage your vocal cords permanently.
These things will help you keep your voice in excellent condition. If you want to become a better singer, not only will you need to learn proper singing technique, but you also have to take good care of your vocal cords and know which behaviors to avoid.